Benefits of Honey You May Not Know

Benefits of honey were largely forgotten when easy and cheap sugar made its entrance into our modern world. Until the arrival of this bleached white sweetener most people had a bee hive in their garden or at the very least knew a local bee keeper or two from which they purchased their honey.
Honey is packed full of nutrition with a huge amount of essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and the most incredible healing properties. It is a fat free food which also tastes divinely sweet. Far sweeter than sugar which means you need less of it.
In remote areas of tropical forests and mountain regions local people go to extraordinary lengths to retrieve honey from tree and rock hives. They literally defy the thought of any dangers to climb these trees and cliffs to get to this source of nutrition to feed their families.
By eating a couple of good spoonfuls of honey each day you will be consuming these essential ingredients which will help to keep your immune system in tip top condition. The benefits of honey include its ability to cure any bad bacteria lurking around in your system but will leave all the essential bacteria needed alone.
Most stomach bugs and digestive disorders including IBS symptoms are relieved with the benefits of eating honey even to the extent of destroying helicobacter pylori which is the main cause of stomach ulcers. That alone has to be an impressive honey benefit.
Almost everyone when suffering with a cold, cough or symptoms of flu will seek out medication which contains honey and lemon but by having these two natural ingredients to hand in your own kitchen and stirring into a glass of boiled but not too hot water you have your own instant cup of comfort. These will soothe your throat, calm that irritating tickle, relive your headache and induce calmness helping you to drift off to sleep.
Add the benefits of honey with fresh ingredients such as garlic, apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger and also cinnamon will relive many uncomfortable conditions such as arthritis, heartburn, nausea and help to keep your heart healthy.
Many top sports people use the benefits of honey and its nutritional content as a super energy boost which is long lasting and also helps to allow their bodies recover more quickly after extensive exercise.
The medical benefits of honey have been documented for centuries however; these too have been largely forgotten due to Chemical Giants inventing more and more different types of artificial anti-biotics. The reason for more and more of these inventions are quite simply we become immune to them!
This just doesn't happen with the benefits of honey; we cannot become immune to their benefits. They are natural and healing and now researched more thoroughly as it has been discovered honey is capable of curing MRSA. Now, there are many hospitals that use this for the treatment of burns, on patients with open post operative wounds, bed sores and even severe nappy rash on babies.
There is actually nothing new here, soldiers fighting in terrible wars even recently during the Gulf wars have used the benefits of honey to treat their war wounds. Honey eats away at infections promoting quick and effective healing and because it doesn't dry out will not pull away new skin tissue when dressings are changed.
Bacterial infections lurk around every part of our bodies which also includes our eyes, skin and mouths. Drip a little diluted honey into your eye infections; use it as a mouthwash, dab some on your cold sores, spots and pimples and all these bacteria will be destroyed very quickly without any nasty side effects.

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7 Benefits of Drinking Water You Probably Didn't Know

Water is Life

Fact: The human body consists of 70 percent of water. Hence, water plays a vital role in our existence. When we have a sufficient supply of water in our body it makes us feel comfortable and healthy.
Without water, parts of our body cannot function correctly. Water is an element that has a dynamic function not just for the human body but also for the ecosystem. What are the benefits of drinking water? There are a lot of benefits that you can obtain from drinking water. However, let me simplify them into seven categories.

Brain Stimulation
The Brain is part of the nervous system and is the main basis of our movements. It consists of about 90 percent water. When water is sufficient in our brain, it can function easily, sharply and be alert. If it lacks water, our minds can be as slow as a turtle.
Stronger Stamina
Water helps our muscles work. It produces oxygen for muscles to endure longer workouts and other physical activities. During exercise, it is important to drink water to maintain the muscle cells' strength. It keeps our muscles and joints lubricated. Because of this, you are able to protect yourself from cramps, strains or sprains.
Body Temperature Regulation
Through water, our body temperature becomes regulated or balanced. Through perspiration, our body's temperature is lowered which makes us feel cool and fresh. When we produce a lot of energy through a lot of movements such as exercise, our sweat glands produce perspiration to cool off our bodies. Hence, a need for regular water intake is necessary.
Active Nerves
Nerve cells send messages to and from the brain through the use of electrolytes. Water takes a crucial role in maintaining electrolytes at the normal level for nerve functions. Through water, nutrients and other elements are being transported all throughout the body system.
Stomach and Intestinal Tract
Water is used also for digestion. With only a small amount of water in the digestive system it can cause constipation and other stomach disorders. It also cleanses our body for nutrient absorption.
To Beautify and Clean
To be hydrated is to keep our body moisturised and that helps keep our skin healthier and smoother. Also, it detoxifies our system by flushing out body fats and other body toxins which in turn help us lose weight. Water supports our body's metabolism. Moreover, through constant drinking of water, our eyes and mouths are moisturized, too. Water cleanses them through taking away the dirt and dust. Drinking water has also been proven to prevent halitosis or bad breath.
Protects our Organs
Water protects our vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. These organs play a major role in our overall well-being. Individuals who drink at least 8 glasses of water a day are less likely to experience heart attack or stroke.
By drinking water, we're protected from head to toe. The above mentioned benefits simply prove that we can't live without water. It's one of our ultimate sources for a healthier and happier living!

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