Top 5 Fat Burning Foods

Ok, so turkey time is over 
and you're still basking in the Holiday glow BUT you're starting to get that lingering thought in the back of your mind... Fat! Here are the top 5 fat burning foods that will help calm your worries.
When you feel that you've put on some extra pounds and the thought of laboring in the gym makes you cringe, you can add these foods to your diet and they'll help you burn the fat in no time:
1) Milk. Research shows that milk helps to boost your metabolism by keeping your insulin levels low after a meal.
2) Chocolate. You read right, chocolate! But not just any chocolate, organic chocolate you can buy at the health food store. When chocolate is mixed with yacon syrup and virgin coconut oil, it acts as a metabolic trigger like no other. It can help you burn fat at an alarming rate.
3) Whole grain cereal. This is another insulin reducer and it's also a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Reducing insulin is important to weight loss because when insulin levels rise it triggers your body into thinking "it's time to start storing the fat" and we don't want that! So just remember, keep those insulin levels low!
4) Jalapenos. They contain a chemical called capsaicin which boosts your heart rate and kick starts your metabolism. They're an excellent sporadic addition to your diet.
5) Green Tea. It contains a chemical called EGCG that makes the brain and nervous system run faster, helping you to burn more calories. It works just like caffeine except caffeine causes your heart to beat faster.
These are the 5 foods that will definitely help you to burn fat with lightening speed!
Chocolate is ruling the fat burning nation right now! It's addictive and is actually good for you! It just doesn't get any better than that! But you need to know exactly what to do, all chocolate is NOT created equal.

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