Start Walking, Here's How!

I recently went on vacation. I didn't get to write as much as I had hoped, but I did get to walk. And that's a good thing because I ate a lot, and the things I ate included bread and desserts. I also drank a bit of alcohol every now and then during the week.
 Those things can definitely put on the calories. Fortunately I didn't gain any weight. Why? Because walking is one of the best exercises. Unfortunately, we don't usually do enough of it. The proof is all around. More Americans are fat, even obese, and more of us every year have associated health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Think you know how many steps you walk daily? If you are like many Americans, working at a job where you sit all day, you walk 2,000 or 3,000 steps each day. Maybe you're a little more active and you walk 3,000 to 5,000 steps a day.
 Are most of your steps from your chair in front of the TV to the refrigerator? If that's you, it's not too late to change. But you have to admit that that's you. Then you have to want to change. If you have been really sedentary, see your doctor first. Make sure that increasing your activity will not dangerously affect your health.
Next, count your daily steps. You can't go around counting your steps in your head all day, so you will have to buy a pedometer or some activity tracking device.
Don't get the cheapest pedometer you see. You will give up quickly when it breaks or just stops working.
Set up your new pedometer. You may have to install the battery. Many come ready to start counting steps. If you want to know the distance you are walking, you will have to enter your stride length.
 For now, you don't need to bother with that if you aren't interested, or think it is too complicated. Just get used to wearing the pedometer or carrying it around. Keep track of your steps for a week or two. See what your average daily step count is. Write it down.
Once you have some idea of your usual number, you can work on increasing it. So how will you do that? You won't get far if you usually walk 4,000 steps a day, and you set yourself up to walk 10,000 steps tomorrow. You won't be ready physically or psychologically. You will have to be patient and realistic.
You need a plan. Try to increase your average number of daily steps by 200 to 300 each week. Maybe your weekly increase will only be 100 steps a day. That's okay. But try not to go backwards. Some days you will be more active than other days. That's normal, but in general you want to become more active than you are now... every day.
What are you working toward? Would you like to decrease your risk of death? Then walk 6,000 steps a day. Want to get into overall good health and lose weight? Walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps. Don't feel badly if you're starting out at a very low daily number. Most people find that they don't walk anywhere near as much as they think they do, so you're in good company. The difference is that you are choosing to make this change, and make yourself healthier.
Wearing the pedometer and counting your steps will serve as motivation. You will start consciously looking for opportunities to increase your steps. You can walk up stairs. You can park your car further from the mall entrance. Get a group together and walk at lunchtime. Take a walk around your neighborhood in the morning, evening, or both. I'm sure you can think of more ways to get your step count up. Leave a comment and share your ideas.

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The Greatest Weight Loss Secret

What is the greatest weight loss secret?
       Is it lowering your food intake?
       Is it increasing your exercise?
       Is it a new magic pill or diet drink?
There is a fellow down the hall from my office. For several months now he has been trying to convince everyone he sees that this new magic, all-natural pill has helped him lose 30 pounds in less than 2 months. He claimed he has lost over 90 pounds total. What he fails to say is that over 60 of that came from lap-band surgery. Then he gained some of the weight back and now uses these pills to help him go on a starvation-like diet.
Another friend of mine and his wife are telling everyone that together they lost a combined 105 pounds in 3 months. He lost 55 and she lost 45. They found a doctor that gave them some kind of injection and they lived on a 500 calorie a day diet... another form of starvation.
Of course you don't have to watch much TV or listen to the radio very long before an advertisement for some new and miraculous cure for obesity comes on. The irony is that none of those magic ingredients are nearly as powerful as one simple reality:
What is the greatest secret to weight loss? It is this simple... "if you can see it you can be it"
Do you remember the old story about putting fleas in a jar? The story goes that if you put a bunch of fleas in a glass jar and screw the lid on they will start trying to jump out. Now, fleas are supposed to be extraordinary jumpers and could normally jump right out of the jar were it not for the lid. After a day or so, you can remove the lid and the fleas will jump but only to the top of the jar and not beyond. That's because they have become conditioned to only jump so high and, I suppose, prevent themselves from being injured by hitting the lid (which has now been removed).
We do that exact same thing. Over the years we have created imaginary barriers that we perceive to be limits to our success. Unfortunately, many of these barriers were put in place before we were 6 years old. But the point is, they are imaginary... not real. But, just like the fleas, we perceive them to be real and thus they limit our ability to move past them.
So, what does this have to do with your losing weight? It's everything! One of the most neglected elements in weight loss is actually seeing yourself at your ideal weight. When you can paint a mental picture of yourself at your ideal weight, you will have essentially won the battle.
Why do people buy magic pills and potions and spend millions of dollars on gimmicks to lose weight? It's because these things promise to break the barriers that are keeping you from losing. And, they work, at least temporarily. However, when you can break your own barriers when you remove you own "lid". You will reach your ideal weight, without the aid of pills and potions and can you can maintain it forever! See it, be it.
How do you paint the picture and destroy your mental barriers?
I am going to share a technique used by Natalie Ledwell as part of her MindMovies.
  1. You sit down in a comfortable place. You close your eyes and begin to take deep, relaxing breaths.

  2. Get as relaxed as you possibly can. Your arms and legs feel warm and a bit heavy.

  3. With your eyes still closed begin mentally counting backwards from 10 to 1. As you count down, feel yourself relaxing deeper with every number.

  4. Now, picture yourself in a beautiful place. Maybe on a beach or in a meadow. Wherever you can feel nature. You feel safe and totally at ease. You notice your surrounds. What are you hearing? What do you smell? Is it warm? Is there a breeze gently blowing? Just savor the peace and beauty of this place.

  5. Now as you are in your safe and beautiful place, imagine 2 pictures appearing in front of you. One is very large and positioned directly in front of you. The other is much smaller and positioned in the upper left hand corner of your view.

  6. Stare at the larger picture. It is you at your current weight. As hard as you try, you can't lose weight. You try to eat less. You try to exercise. You try to do all the right things but you are still heavy and can't seem to do anything about it. You are a failure. You feel all alone and not even worthy to be slender. Feel this pain. Feel this heartbreak. Face this picture head on.

  7. Now, notice the smaller picture. It is up in the left hand corner and much smaller than the one in front of you. But it's different. It is a picture of you and you are at your perfect weight. You are happy. You feel younger than you have in years. Your friends are showering you with compliments. You are active, doing the exciting things you have always wanted to do. You look incredible.

  8. Now, in an instant, switch the pictures with a snap. The picture of you at your ideal weight is now in front of you and the "old you" is in the background.

  9. The old picture keeps trying to come back and dominate your view but every time it does, snap it back so that the "new you" remains in front of you. Keep snapping the "new you" picture to the foreground until it is all that you are conscious of.

  10. This is you. Feel yourself smiling as you feel so alive and happy. It's a beautiful picture.

  11. With this picture firmly planted in your minds eye, start wiggling your toes and fingers. Bring yourself back to consciousness, alive and feeling refreshed.
Try spending 10 minutes a day painting your own mental picture of yourself at your dream weight. I think you will be very impressed with the result.

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5 Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy

Everybody wants to stay fit and healthy, or at least most people do, no matter how young or old they are. Whether you need to be fit and healthy because you are a world known athlete, or because it makes you feel good about yourself, bear in mind that it is never too late until it is.
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The Best Health Tips

Thousands of books have been published and millions of articles have been written about weight loss as everyone seems to be singing the same mantra. It gets difficult for the reader to assess the credibility of the various weight loss programs that can be found both offline and online. Therefore, no more space or time is going to be wasted in writing down another version of the best weight loss diet. Here, you are only going to find the best health tips that you can rely on.
The health tips mentioned here are logical and they work best with everyone (excluding people with serious illnesses and those who are on high medications). These tips are simple advices to make your life a healthy one and are about ways to exclude harmful elements from your life. So let's begin,
· One of the best health tips that anyone can give you is to correct your eating and sleeping routine. You might not believe it to be important as long as you are completing the 8-hour count, but it is true. There is no harm in late-night partying once in a while, but you must try to build up a daily routine where you go to bed on time to get a fresh start for the next day.
· Secondly, drink plenty of liquids. The liquids that are referred to here are water and fresh fruit juices or smoothie and not the artificially flavoured concoction found in tetra-packs. Our body is mostly water and as such it can be rightly named as the primary fuel of the body. Once you start drinking the required amount of water, you are going to note that you have become more agile and that you don't tire so easily. Moreover, it is also going to fill up the space in your tummy, leaving out less room to put in the junk. But there is another significant benefit of drinking good amounts of water and that is that it allows and facilitates the flushing of toxins from the body which can become the number one cause of fat storage.
· Thirdly, you must remember that you should treat your body with fresh food substances instead of going for the processed and ready made ones. Consider it as a bar of standard, the fresher and more organic food, you eat, the more benefits you gain and if you go for packaged and tinned foods to which many chemicals have been added then you are going down the line to destructive health. So, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables and go for beans, nuts and lentils instead of opting for boxed cereals and microwave meals.

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How to Protect Yourself from Breast Cancer

Do you fear breast cancer? Many women do because it is such a killer! Surprisingly, men are not immune to this disease either.
If you received a diagnosis of breast cancer just 20 years ago, your chances of being a survivor would have been much less than they are today. That's because of the marvelous advance of medical research.
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5 Benefits of Water

Whether your fitness goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or just trying to become more healthy overall, you must first make sure that your nutrition plan is complete. You determine your caloric intake, calculate the amount of grams of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you need, and from there, most people would assume the job was complete. Before you label the job complete, remember to consider one more detail in your nutrition plan: 
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Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of 10 healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you.
o The first thing is to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar, processed foods. Along with eating better is getting the right nutrients in the system.
o So the second thing is to take vitamins and minerals to help your body work properly.
o The third tip is to quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you.
o The fourth thing to do is exercise. Exercise makes you feel good and can motivate you to get other things done as well.
o Along with exercise, number five is making sure you see a doctor each year for an annual physical. This is more important in women, but men should be seeing a doctor every 2-3 years to make sure there are no big health concerns.
o The sixth is to surround yourself with a strong support network, or a group of people who will be there for you and participate in a healthy lifestyle as well.
o Your family and friends can help you with the seventh tip, have fun and enjoy life.
o Eighth tip is to create a good balance between work and play.
o The final two tips are to accept yourself for the unique individual you are and love what you do. If you can accept yourself, the good and the bad, it will show in all you do. Your job is something you will be doing for at least the next 20 years, so you should love it. If you don't keep looking until you find something you do love.
Start with those healthy lifestyle choices and see how you feel in the next few weeks. You should feel more energized, motivated, and positive.

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7 Good Tips To Prevent Getting Cancer

To keep it short and sweet lets just say there is TONS of evidence to show where the increase in cancer is coming from. This article will tell you the latest facts and tidbits to help you prevent getting cancer.
1. To prevent getting cancer watch what you expose yourself too! Toxic molecules called free radicals have been proven to damage or mutate our cells at the molecular level. To prevent getting cancer avoid these toxic molecules as much as possible. Common sources are:
-House hold chemicals
-pesticides on your food
-air pollution
-increased sun exposure
-partially hydrogenated oils
-and everything else that doesn't seem natural to your body.
2. Watch what you eat! Diets rich in fruit and vegetables provide your body with very important antioxidants, which have been shown to prevent free radical damage. On the contrary bad foods which are loaded up with chemicals, preservatives, and processed garbage will weaken your body and increase your risks of disease.
3. Eat Organic Foods. Organic has much less risks of being contaminated with cancer causing molecules.
4. Reduce your stress and relax as much as possible to help prevent getting cancer! Stress has been proven to release a toxic hormone into your body that scientists have named "the death hormone" as it has devastating effects on other cells in your body. Do Yoga, Exercise, meditate, all proven things to help lower stress, ease anxiety, and promote an all around sense of well being.
5. Be emotionally healthy! Your emotions take a toll on your physical body if you store lots of emotional pain and baggage. Express whatever might be causing you pain and suffering and you will reduce risks of being prone to physical and mental disease.
6. Take a high quality nutritional supplement to help prevent getting cancer. High quality supplements have been proven to boost nutrient protection in the body and can add crucial defense where you might need it. Make sure it is a high quality supplement, and not some cheap industrial made manufactured vitamin which has very poor nutrient quality.
7. Be more Aware! Paying attention to all these things and living a more aware lifestyle will help prevent getting cancer. Watching over yourself and making sure you are making healthy decisions, and reducing exposure to cancer causing risk factors will make a huge difference in your life.
It's simple enough that anyone can do it, and these 7 highly effective tips could be the difference between you getting cancer or the other 1 out of 2.5 people in North America who will get cancer in their lifetime. Yea it's that bad. And to prevent getting cancer we all have to start taking our health very seriously. Be more aware in your life and you are taking the first crucial step!

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How to Protect Yourself From Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a very rare occurrence in those people whose main diet is vegetables.
Those who are always including large amounts of meat in their diet are at higher risk than the former.
Colon cancer prevention therefore calls for a lot of whole grain, fruits and vegetables in one's diet. 5 servings daily is what the American Cancer Society puts as the ideal quantity of these healthy foods.
It can however be very difficult to pin point which diet components one must focus on to prevent such diseases. Consumption of fats for instance will increase your body's bile production which will improve your cells rapid growth.
Fiber rich foods are always recommended when one needs to improve their bowel movement. These foods will also have the benefit of decreasing the negative effects that hail from carcinogens and bile acids.
Oat bran is one of the most highly recommended dietary components for preventing colon cancer as it is very rich in fiber content. It has even more fiber than fruits and vegetables.
25 grams of dietary fiber every single day is recommended for reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer. These 25 grams can be taken from your bread, beans and cereals.
Bile acids and fatty acids can be dissolved by consumption of calcium. A recommended amount of calcium is 1000 milligrams daily. For your antioxidants that also prevent risk of colon cancer, you will get them from vegetables and fruits as well.
Exercise always improves the body in one way or the other. 30 minutes of physical activities daily will make sure that you improve the movement of waste through and out of your body. You will also have a healthy flow of blood to your colon.
To remove harmful toxins that may be trapped in your body, you will have to get cleansing every now and then. A clean colon will find it easier to absorb nutrients from the food we eat.
Make sure you have a clean colon and maintain its function and you will always have a healthy body.

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Why Honey is Good For Your Skin

You pay attention to what you are eating, checking the list of ingredients on the packets in the supermarket, and avoiding foods that contain GM (genetically modified) elements. But do you do the same for what your skin eats?
When it comes to looking after your skin, you should take the same care about what you use as you do with what you
eat. People are mostly aware that a good healthy diet is important to good health, and are aware of the saying 'you are what you eat'.
Well your skin is maybe even more important. It is the largest of your body's organs, playing a major role in your body's protection. And what you put on your skin can be absorbed into it. So just as you watch what you eat, good care should be taken over the skin care products you use and what ingredients they contain.
Honey is a great natural ingredient for skin treatments. Being completely natural, it is free from harmful chemicals that may otherwise be used. Of course some products may make use of honey and also still add other harmful chemicals it, so you should check all ingredients used.
Honey is a known humectant, which means it works as a natural mosituriser. It is hydroscopic, drawing pure moisture in to help hydrate, smooth and soften your skin. This is why it is used in so many skin and hand creams. However some of the other benefits of honey for your skin can be offset if a product also contains chemical nasties in it. So it is worth checking all the ingredients.
One of the causes of premature aging of skin is exposure to free radicals. Honey is a powerful natural antioxidant helping to counter any free radicals in your skin. Its soothing properties make it feel wonderful when applied too.
Many homemade skin treatment recipes will include honey in their ingredient list. It's use for healing and to beautify the skin has been well documented through the centuries. Even famously used by Cleopatra. Although it doesn't need to part of a recipe - it works very well applied direct onto your skin in its natural state.
In recent times a growing amount of research into honey has shown it contains natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties, although these can vary greatly in level between honeys. One that has been found to have significant antibacterial properties in some batches of it is New Zealand's manuka honey. Suitable batches of which (labeled as UMF®)are now being used for treating hard to heal wounds, burns, and other skin infections. For other honey types the more natural and raw they are the better.

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How to Lose Weight Fast for Women

A lot of women fight with their weight for a lot of their life. It is quite common
for women to feel like they are in a constant battle with extra pounds. It might seem like the fight is worthless or the battle is too hard, but don't give up. There are many things you as a woman can do to help you lose weight and keep it off. Continue reading to learn some weight loss tips that can help you conquer your battle with your weight and learn how to lose weight fast for women in a week at home.
First of all, do not starve yourself. It is important that you feed your body because it needs calories to do its job. You do not want to give it too many calories, though. It is important that you find the balance between eating not enough and eating too much. In order for you to lose weight, you must take in less calories than your body uses. But if you take in too few calories, your body may go into shock and stop working properly. This will cause your body to hold on to calories that it does not need.
Another thing you need to consider is how you plan on losing the weight. You must change your diet if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise is crucial, but most of your weight loss will come from the foods you eat. For this reason, you need to come up with a plan on how you plan on eating. You can follow a prescribed plan, one where you pay for them to tell you what to eat. There are also other plans that restrict certain foods. You can just make the decision to eat less and eat healthier. No matter what plan you choose or if you make up your own, it is important that it is something realistic, something that you can see yourself doing far into the future.
You may also have more success if you go on this journey with a buddy. Having someone to lose weight with can make the whole process much easier and more enjoyable. You can support each other and keep each other motivated. You can also share tips and other information that you find. A buddy is also good to hold you accountable. Chances are you will skip that piece of chocolate cake if you know you have someone that is counting on you.
Don't always rely on scales to gauge your weight loss. If you are exercising, your body is likely building muscle which weighs more than fat and this can show up on the scale as no loss at all. It is easy to get discouraged when you don't see a drop on the scale, but judge your weight loss on how your clothes fit instead.
No matter how impossible you think weight loss is, there is a way for you to lose weight and take it off. Try the tips on how to lose weight fast for women shared in this article and you can have success in your weight loss journey.
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Weight Loss Quick Tips - 4 Health and Fitness Tips We Should All Live By

When it boils down to it we all need to adopt healthy habits. Obesity is a
serious problem. Especially in the Westernized world. More and more people are being declared obese by their doctors. Of course this opens the door for the big pharmaceutical companies to come up with new pills, powders and
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Easy Way to Lose Weight With Vitamin B6 Supplement

Are you motivated to lose weight? Sure, you are! You are aware of the dangerous health consequences of being overweight? But, as many other people, your battle to lose weight doesn't have any success! You have probably tried so many different kinds of pills and diets without any good result! You would like to know if a new scientific discovery about how to lose weight will be able to help you. You are right; scientists have discovered a new function of the vitamin B6 linked with weight loss. Let's see how it works and how can you benefit from it.
Vitamin B Roles
We know 8 vitamins B: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamins). They are all chemically distinct although they are part of the same group of vitamins. However, all of them play a vital role to stimulate your body's metabolism, to improve your mood and energy, to drop off the effects of stress and to reduce your triglyceride levels. Have you noticed that all these effects contribute to lose weight? Nevertheless, according to new scientific investigations, the B6 vitamin would be a molecule much more active in weight loss. How then?
Vitamin B6 and its Newly Discovered Function
A recent study in United States has demonstrated that an insufficient intake of vitamins B6 would be responsible of a neurotransmitters production disorder. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and tryptophan play an important role in the feeling of well-being which prevents someone from eating too much sweet food and eating at any time. Additionally, vitamin B6 is involved in many aspects of metabolism and helps to 'burn' Body's fats.
Brazil Researchers Study
Researchers in Brazil discovered that patients had lost an average of 3.3 pounds for every milligram of Vitamin B6 added in their diet.
Food Sources of Vitamin B6
Eat spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, turnip greens, celery, kale, garlic, tuna and banana.
There are evidences that the vitamin B6 can help to get weight loss. But to tell the truth, you cannot expect to lose a lot of weight just eating the kind of food enumerated before. I suggest you to eat a little more food which contain a lot of vitamins B6

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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D (Calciferol) is a vitamin that dissolves in fats. We bring it into our body through exposure to the sun rays, as well as nutrition and supplements. In the organism it is found in several different forms and each form of vitamin D has a
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Vitamin D3 Side Effects

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the body. Unlike other fat soluble vitamins it is pretty difficult to overdose on vitamin D. Since it is not a drug but a vitamin and a very important one at that, it does not have the usual side effects you associate with "drugs". When we spend enough time outdoors, our bodies naturally produce about 10,000 IU with no problems, especially for people who spend a lot of time in the sun or who live close to the equator.
What are some side effects of vitamin D3? Well none unless you constantly take too much or have some other pre-existing health conditions or an allergy to vitamin D3. At the lower end of the side effect spectrum you have constipation, vomiting, general weakness, nausea, mild dizziness, lethargy, frequent urination, extreme thirst, nervousness, itching, anorexia, heart arrhythmias, polyuria (excessive urinating), and weight loss and are usually associated with poor quality supplements. These can usually be reversed by taking a better quality supplement and or lowering the amount of vitamin D3 you take.
For those that chronically take an overdose of vitamin D3 over a long period of time can cause themselves some serious discomfort. The problem is that the body can't use up all the calcium, especially without other trace nutrients helping to use it. Unabsorbed calcium running through the body can cause bladder and kidney stones. It also can restrict fluid circulation in the body causing kidney failure, hypercalcaemia (high levels of calcium) and even anorexia.
Check with your doctor before you take a vitamin D3 supplement if you have any pre-existing conditions. People with pre-existing conditions such as hypercalcaemia and difficulty absorbing calcium should not take excess amounts of a calcium supplement; especially cheap supplements that do not get used but run through the blood. This can cause high blood pressure which can lead to heart disease. The interesting thing is, a high quality vitamin D3 supplement can do a lot to improve heart related problems and heal your body of other maladies.
Some supplements are not made with absorption in mind and come out looking as they did going in. These supplements can cause problems for people with diseases of the kidney, liver, heart and cause immune system disorders such as sarcoidosis. Also, check with your doctor if you have intestinal or digestive complications like Whipple's or Crohn's disease, low levels of bile, or little or no stomach acid before taking a vitamin D supplement.
The only thing not associated with overdose that could cause side-effects with vitamin D3 concern allergic reactions. Symptoms include severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, rashes, and swelling of the face, tongue, or throat. These require immediate medical attention.
More and more studies revealing the benefits of vitamin D3 are being done all the time. It is wise to look into them and see if taking a high quality vitamin D3 supplement is right for you.
I hope you found this article on D3 vitamin side effects informative.

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Prostate Cancer Treatments - Restore Hope

For most men, the initial thought after receiving their diagnosis centers on prostate cancer treatments.
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Do-At-Home Weight Loss Exercises for Women

Did you know that doing exercise while managing the diet as well is a secret recipe for most fit people? Weight loss diet is most effective when combined with an exercise routine and vice versa.
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How to Improve Skin Health With Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (barbadensis miller) is the Lily of the desert. It would be virtually impossible to count the number of health benefits this one single plant has! This article concentrates on the many health benefits of aloe vera on the skin.
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Top 5 Fat Burning Foods

Ok, so turkey time is over 
and you're still basking in the Holiday glow BUT you're starting to get that lingering thought in the back of your mind... Fat! Here are the top 5 fat burning foods that will help calm your worries.
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Top 6 Crazy Weight Loss Myths

Want to know the truth about weight loss and hear the ridiculous lies you've been told? Read on... 

1) Myth: "You need a fast metabolism to lose weight"
The Truth: As people gain weight, their resting metabolic rate speeds up - therefore disproving this myth. This means that when you are bigger you need to eat more to sustain your weight. This means that your metabolism is sped up but won't mean that you're burning fat fast at all.
2) Myth: "Low fat products are great for losing weight"
The Truth: Foods you find in 'healthy ranges' in supermarkets or products marked with 'low fat' or 'fat free' labels don't mean that they are free from calories - in fact they are more likely to contain more calories because of the amount of extra flavourings and sugar added to them. If you really want something that is genuinely low fat, look at the label and make sure it has 3 grams or less fat per 100 grams.
3) Myth: "Being fat is genetic"
The Truth: Obesity is very rarely a genetic condition. You are more likely to inherit the bad lifestyle habits from your parents and guardians rather than actually being born with a gene that makes you fat. Being big isn't the only problem that you may face if you are overweight but high blood pressure and diabetes may also be a side effect of excess weight.
4) Myth: "Diets never work"
The Truth: Starving yourself doesn't work, and neither do fad diets which you will give up on after a few weeks. However, if you think about dieting, it is really just making healthy food and exercise choices. This type of diet works well because you are staying active and getting a balanced diet without overindulging and having more calories than your body can process.
5) Myth: "Frozen vegetables aren't as nutritious as fresh vegetables"
The Truth: 5 portions of fruit and veg a day is what you should aim for - regardless of whether it is frozen or fresh. Fresh fruit often tastes nicer, and raw veg is nice in salads. Frozen veggies have been proven to keep the nutrients locked in for longer - even during transit. However, boiling them can often results in many nutrients being lost - try steaming your vegetables instead!
6) Myth: "Pasta and bread make you fat"
The Truth: Although bread and pasta are high in carbohydrates, it is only over eating these types of foods which can make us gain weight. Because of this, many people avoid high carb foods when on a diet - you can however just limit your intake instead. Also, rather than having white bread or pasta, switch to whole grains. You will also find that the foods you eat with these products can also be culprits when it comes to weight gain - don't blame the pasta and bread - it could well be the creamy pasta sauce that boosted your calories or the sugary jam on your toast. Try low fat spreads and tomato pasta sauce instead!

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Show Me How to Lose Weight Fast!

Want to lose that weight super fast and be super slim by the weekend? Well .. while I can show you a great plan for losing weight that will shift those pounds in record time first you need to be realistic about what 'fast' weight loss really means. 
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Quick Tips To Fast Healthy Weight Loss

So many today are asking the question of how can I lose weight in a very short amount of time.
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4 Good Skin Tips For You

It's just natural to want to keep your skin looking young and smooth. No one wants to look in the mirror and see wrinkles and other signs of aging.
The following good skin tips will help you keep your skin in tip top shape for years to come. Some you'll have heard
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The Health Benefits of Honey

Most of us are familiar with the many health benefits of bee pollen. This bee byproduct is packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients; when we eat bee pollen as a food supplement, we are treating our bodies to a significant percentage of many of the nutrients we need on a daily basis.
But when we think about the primary product that is harvested from beehives -- namely, honey -- we tend to believe that this is just a sweetener, a sugar substitute, a flavor enhancer, an ingredient in tomato-based barbecue sauces. However, honey is packed with nutrients as well; if eaten on a regular basis, honey can provide many of the nutrients your body needs, and it can act as a healing agent in other circumstances too.
Raw honey contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorous, sulfur, and potassium. These are all essential minerals that our bodies need in at least trace amounts. Honey also contains many B-complex vitamins as well as Vitamin C; the amounts of these vitamins change depending on the quality of the nectar and pollen the honey is made from. Honey also contains proteins, and the enzyme glucose oxidase, which in turn produces hydrogen peroxide when honey is diluted with water. Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent that gives certain varieties of honey their healing properties.
Because of its antibacterial character, honey can be used as a dressing for wounds; honey was in fact widely used in field dressings during both world wars in the last century. Apply honey directly to a wound and cover it with a bandage. A honey dressing reduces pain and inflammation, prevents excessive scarring, combats infection, and encourages the growth of new skin. Through osmosis, honey absorbs moisture around the wound, thus drying the wound and killing bacteria.
One of the most effective strains of honey in treating wounds has been identified by Peter Molan, a biochemist working at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Molan has shown that honey made from the flowers of the manuka bush, which is native to New Zealand, is particularly effective as an antibiotic -- because it contains an antibacterial agent other than the hydrogen peroxide that is released by all raw honey. Although this additional agent has not been precisely identified (Molan refers to it as the "unique manuka factor"), the antibacterial efficacy of manuka honey has been measured with precision over years of research. Manuka honey has been shown to counteract not only bacteria, but also fungi, protozoa, and strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
Honey can also be used to treat various skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis; it can help calm allergic reactions and inflamed insect bites. Simply rub the honey into affected areas. Because it is readily absorbed by the digestive system, honey improves digestion and can act as a mild laxative. And because of its antimicrobial properties, honey can relieve a sore throat: sweeten some herbal tea with honey, or lemon tea, so you can benefit from the Vitamin C in the citrus at the same time.
Honey also reinforces the body's immune system, because of its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Honey, in fact, contains as high an antioxidant content as spinach, apples, berries, and other foods more often thought of as "healthy" foods. Dark honey has higher levels of antioxidants than light honey.
Honey also helps facilitate liver function. It contains roughly equal amounts of fructose and glucose; fructose serves to unlock an enzyme that occurs in the nuclei of liver cells, that is needed in the essential process of incorporating glucose into glycogen. The liver must store adequate quantities of glycogen, one of the body's most important sources of energy.
Raw, unprocessed honey is the most effective in terms of healing, whether you consume honey or use it to treat a wound. Raw honey contains pollen, the source of many of honey's essential nutrients, and pollen is destroyed during heat processing or exposure to light. When purchasing honey, make sure it is labeled "100 percent pure"; if in doubt, purchase your honey from a health food store rather than a supermarket. Store honey in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, so that it doesn't absorb moisture from the air. If honey is kept properly, it will keep for a long time without losing its healing properties.

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